Accessibility and Vulnerability Policy and Procedure
Please note that Jurassic Fibre is a brand name of Cuckoo Fibre Limited, a company incorporated in England with company registration number 15060036 and whose registered office is at Milford House, Pynes Hill, Exeter, EX2 5AZ
It is the policy of Jurassic Fibre to:
- understand and consider the needs and preferences of customers in vulnerable circumstances and those with accessibility requirements
- ensure our policies and processes support the identification of vulnerable customers and provide appropriate support to remove barriers and protect them
- never make assumptions about accessibility requirements – these are often not obvious – they can be temporary, subjective or situational i.e. not all elderly or disabled will class themselves as vulnerable
- understand that people experiencing the same circumstances or event, might interpret the scale of vulnerability very differently and that vulnerability can be permanent, temporary, constant or intermittent
- consider the effect of a circumstance or condition and the associated barriers to accessing our products and services whilst always seeking ways to overcome those barriers to provide the best possible customer experience
- provide clear, accurate and relevant information regarding the services we provide to disabled and vulnerable people
- where appropriate support carers (paid or unpaid) who support someone who is older, has a physical or mental illness or who is disabled to manage our services easily. If you are caring for someone here’s where you can find out extra support/JurassicFibre
- ensure that our products and services, consider accessibility requirements
- do our best to prioritise remedial work in the instance remedial service is lost
- support you through our sales and installation journey and will be happy to give you as much time as you need in order to explain our products, services and answer any queries you may have about any of our policies, and advice or other documentation
- talk to you at any time to answer any queries or concerns you may have about your account, our products and services, once you become a Jurassic Fibre customer
In order to put our policy into effect, we have implemented a number of processes and procedures which are set out below.
2.Identifying customers that need additional support
We are committed to ensuring our vulnerable and disabled customers get fair and appropriate treatment:
- Our support teams are trained to identify and support the accessibility and vulnerability needs people may have.
- We encourage customers to discuss specific accessibility needs or difficult circumstances with Jurassic Fibre employees. This could include age, physical or learning disability, physical or mental illness, low literacy, communication difficulties or bereavement.
- Specific needs will be recorded in our systems, and our employees will take appropriate actions when required.
- Our customer service agents can amend accessibility or vulnerability status to reflect any changes at any time by contacting us through any of the options outlined in the ‘Contact Us’ of this policy or our website.
- We understand that bereavement can be a difficult time. All of our team are provided with training to support bereaved customers. Upon a customer request, our team can make appropriate changes to a customer’s account, or manage the closure of an account. Customers can contact us through any of our channels in the ‘Contact Us’ section to talk to a member of the team. Alternatively, if it is the account holder who has died, and another member of the household wishes to close the account or transfer the existing account into their own or another person’s name without any changes, they can download our Bereavement form and email it back to us. You can find the Bereavement form here along with supporting information.
- We have a process to allow vulnerable customers to appoint someone else to act and communicate with us on their behalf. You can find more information on Power of Attorney guide here, along with supporting information.
- In the process of understanding a customer’s needs we may encourage customers to seek help and support from external services that offer professional advice, such as helplines for financial assistance, advice and support for disabled people and their families, and unpaid carers.
3.Customer information and accessibility services
At Jurassic Fibre, we take the safeguarding of customer information very seriously. One of the ways we do this is by adhering to the requirements of UK data protection legislation, as part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR for short) in force from May 2018.
Our privacy policy details how, when and why personal data is used and can be found in section 12 of our Terms & Conditions. You can find this here. Customers can manage their marketing preferences at any time by contacting us.
We encourage customers to make contact with our team to discuss any queries or concerns they may have in relation to vulnerability or disability. It is our policy to treat every customer with respect and courtesy in all circumstances
Contracts and account related correspondence, including bills, can be arranged in alternative formats to meet our customers’ needs. These are summarised below:
- Online billing: customers can access their bill through their online account whenever at any time.
- Large print bill: for those who cannot read small print very well.
- Braille Bill. For blind or partially sighted customers, we can supply bills in Braille.
- Audio bill: we can send audio bills on a CD – the disc plays in most standard CD and DVD players, including some games consoles.
4.Financial difficulties
We are committed to supporting customers who are facing financial difficulties and we encourage customers to contact us if they are having issues paying a bill. Our Customer Care team can review a customer’s account and discuss and depending on your package we may be able to reduce your monthly cost by moving you onto a different product. Alternatively, you are free to cancel your service at any time.
If no contact is made and payments are not made, a letter will be sent notifying the customer that their services may be cancelled if they do not contact Jurassic Fibre. If there is no response, the customer’s services will then be cancelled, with a letter informing the customer of next steps sent. Customers can continue to make calls to emergency services.
5.How to Contact Us
At Jurassic, we always keep our customers interests at heart. We take every accessibility request seriously and actively work to resolve things to your satisfaction.
There are three different ways to contact us.
Please remember to give us your details, including:
- Customer account number
- Customer full address
- Customer contact number
This way, we can get back to you as quickly as possible.
By Telephone
Customers can contact our Customer Care team on 01392 345600. We’ll do our best to resolve your complaint on the call, but sometimes we’ll need to investigate things in more detail and reaching a resolution may take longer.
If you want to call us from a textphone, dial 18001 01392 345600.
If you want to contact us using our Text Relay Service, please call 18001 01392 345600. If you are a sign language user and want to speak to us using a sign language interpreter, please click here.
By email
Customers can email the team on [email protected].
By Post
It’s not as quick, but if you prefer to send us a letter, you can write to us at:
Customer Care Team,
Jurassic Fibre,
Milford House,
Pynes Hill,
Your letter will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt and we aim to resolve all written complaints within 28 days once we’ve received them.
6.Customer feedback/Dissatisfaction or complaints
We are always looking to improve the service we offer to our customers, so please let us know if you think we can and should be doing better, on the issue of vulnerability & accessibility, by talking to our Customer Care Team.
In the event you are still dissatisfied with our service, please contact us using one of the methods noted above. If your issue remains unresolved, please contact us to tell us why.
We always aim to resolve complaints within 1 working day. If your complaint is more complex, this could take a little longer but we will always give your comments the attention they deserve. We’ll let you know as soon as we think we have a resolution, either on the original call, or if we can’t sort things out there and then, we’ll be back in touch as soon as possible.
More information on our Complaints process can be found in our Customer Complaints Policy.