
Embracing a new connection. How reliable ultrafast broadband powers home working in the South West

Radio EXE, a renowned and widely recognised radio station in Devon, has wholeheartedly embraced the concept of hybrid work, aiming to elevate the equilibrium between work and personal life for its employees. In a conversation with Tim Stanford, the Business Development Manager at the station, he highlighted how the adoption of hybrid work was made possible by the exceptional Fibre Broadband in Devon offered by Jurassic Fibre. Tim emphasised how our robust full fibre broadband has played a pivotal role in establishing a harmonious blend of remote and in-office work, enabling a smooth collaboration flow and sustaining optimal productivity levels.

Tim Stanford, Business Development Manager at Radio Exe, shares his Hybrid Working stories

Setting the right balance

Before adopting hybrid work, Tim operated from a traditional office. However, after Covid, as the world was emerging from lockdown, it was hard to ignore the benefits of a more flexible work environment that prioritised employee well-being and family commitments.

Presenting with boundaries

Remote working was not without challenges. Tim struggled slow and unreliable internet connection at his home that affected his day-to-day work. Making it hard to attend video calls, deliver key sales presentations, or collaborate effectively with team members. The situation highlighted the importance of a stable, high-speed internet connection for successful hybrid work.

Connection redefined: Jurassic Fibre ultrafast broadband

Recognising the need for a reliable internet connection, Tim opted for Jurassic Fibre’s full fibre broadband service. Opting for the top 950Mbps package.

From frustration to fulfilment

With the high-speed and consistent connectivity, he now actively hosts and participates in video conferences, conducts virtual presentations, and engages with potential sponsors without worrying about an unreliable internet connection. This significantly improved his productivity and allowed him to work seamlessly from his home office while caring for his dogs and having a cuppa ready when his wife gets home.

Embracing a new connection 

Tim’s transition to hybrid working with the integration of Jurassic Fibre’s full fibre broadband underscores the positive outcomes of combining modern technological solutions with a progressive approach to work culture. The availability of reliable and high-speed internet has transformed how we collaborate online. With the added bonus of contributing to a greener environment and better work-life balance for employees.

Connecting businesses throughout the South West

While Tim is enjoying full fibre, more people across the South West are connecting to ultrafast internet speeds directly to their door. Through the deployment of state-of-the-art full fibre broadband, we are helping the region forge stronger connections, not only between villages, towns and cities but also between people overseas.