
Jurassic Fibre Sponsors The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares

As a leading local internet service provider, Jurassic Fibre is keen to champion local causes. One such initiative is the Bridport-based children’s charity The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares.

The brainchild of former film-producer Nick Goldsmith, the Bank of Dreams and Nightmares runs creative writing workshops for children across West Dorset to show just how far their imaginations can take them.

“We want them to realise what is possible out there,” said Nick in a recent TEDx talk, “And that we take them seriously. This can be transformational.”

The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares celebrates and elevates children’s writing by providing real-world outcomes via workshops in and outside of schools. Recent projects include a book of short stories, “A Slow Descent Into Madness”, SoundCloud podcasts, comedy sketches working with the BBC, and a quarterly newspaper entitled, “What’s going on?”

The Jurassic Fibre team joined students at Budmouth Academy in Weymouth at the latest mapmaking workshop which is part of a 10-week project to produce an alternative “Guide Book to Weymouth” to be released in spring 2023. Professional artist and cartographer Helen Cann showed the children how to create maps of their ideal town, encouraging them to let their imaginations roam wild prior to turning their sights on their home town. “Maps are political,” Helen later explained. “They tell us what is important.”

The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares creates a supportive environment that brings out the best in children. “It’s so much fun, honestly, everyone is really nice. Everyone encourages everyone,” said one student.

Participants were keen to tell us how they were benefitting from the project. “It has improved my confidence, my ability to work with other people and my communication,” said another.

Another said, “There were things I learned that I wouldn’t have known about Weymouth if I hadn’t done the workshops. It’s informative and it’s fun… As you get older you don’t really do much creative writing… it brings up more opportunities.”

The students also commented on how they would use their new creative writing skills to help further their career prospects, skills they believed would be transferable to, for example, interviews.

Not only does producing a guide book give children the opportunity to unleash their imaginations as they learn new skills, it also enables them to explore the world around them in a new way. The Guide Book to Weymouth will reflect the children’s own unique perspectives and experiences, and allow them to be recognised for their talents

Jurassic Fibre’s sponsorship of the Bank of Dreams and Nightmares is a great example of the positive impact that businesses can have on their communities. Encouraging children to reach their full potential is an investment in the future.

Find out more about the Bank of Dreams and Nightmares by searching “Bank of Dreams and Nightmares” or contact our marketing team by using [email protected] or call us directly on 01392 345600.