Can I get broadband without a phone line?
Getting a broadband connection with no phone line is becoming an increasingly popular choice up and down the country. For example, many households have elected for mobile broadband, which provides wireless connectivity to the internet and enables you to connect to 4G or 5G networks without a fixed line.
With the number of landline calls dramatically dropping you’d be right to wonder if traditional phone lines are necessary. Copper lines are being removed from the national network by 2025 and now customers are being encouraged to adopt digital services. Here, we will explore the options of broadband without a landline and analyse if it offers any advantages.
Do you need a landline for broadband?
Let’s cut to the chase and provide you with a clear answer: No, however, getting a broadband-only service may not be possible in all cases. While more providers now offer this option, its availability depends on the network infrastructure in your area.
If your street cabinet is connected to the local exchange via a fibre optic cable (which is the case for 95% of UK households), you are in luck. However, if your home is still connected to the cabinet using copper wires, the best connection you can get is FTTC (Fibre to the cabinet), and you will still need to rent a phone line.
This is also true for the 5% of households in the UK that can only access copper lines between the cabinet and the local exchange, meaning a landline is still necessary for broadband.
If your home is connected to the cabinet with a fibre optic line or can have one installed as part of your broadband deal (and the cabinet is connected to the exchange with fibre), you have the option to get internet service without a landline. In this case, you now have three options to access broadband without a landline:
1. Full Fibre
Otherwise known as ultrafast broadband or FTTP (Fibre to the premises), this will give you an extremely fast connection capable of handling just about anything you want to throw at it. Full fibre broadband gives us full and free access to all the facilities, services, connectivity and creativity of a twenty-first-century world.
With speeds of up to 950Mbps/1Gbps (or 10Gbps for business lines), you’ll be able to enjoy all the gaming, sports, movies, boxsets, music streaming and live online shows you like, as well as practical activities such as video calls, tutorials, banking, investing, sharing large files and more.
You can even have multiple users within your household all doing their thing at the same time, and it won’t fall down. And of course, you’ll still be able to make calls on your phone. As of September 2021, 21% of homes in the UK had a full-fibre connection, with numbers growing every day. At Jurassic Fibre, we’re making it our mission to get full-fibre lines to every area in the South-West.

2. Cable
If you are connected to Virgin Media’s cable service (separate from the Openreach fibre network), then you will also be able to get a broadband line without a phone contract attached.
Covering around 52% of the country, this offers a complete cable line to your home and much faster broadband speeds than a FTTC connection. You’ll also have a number of bundle options to choose from, incorporating TV, Internet, mobile (and landline phone if you really do need it).
As ever, you’ll need to check with the provider regarding their coverage in your area. If you’re living in a rural location, then this service might not be an option for you.
3. Mobile Broadband
If cable or full-fibre fixed line options are not open to you, then your final choice for fast Internet access without a phone line will be a mobile broadband connection. This uses the data signal sent over the 4G or 5G mobile phone network, and can be connected to using any device with a SIM card, giving you wireless internet without a phone line. It can be a good alternative to a physical connection, as long as the signal strength where you live is sufficient for the Internet speeds you want, and you have a plan that accommodates all the data you’ll need.
Data-only SIMs are now becoming increasingly popular for use in tablets and laptops, allowing access to mobile data and Wi–Fi broadband without needing any associated phone contract. They perform the same function as an old-style ‘dongle’ – enabling Internet access via a mobile connection, wherever the user may be.
Similarly, Mi-Fi devices (usually powered by a USB connection, although often also battery-run) act like personal broadband routers. They also use a mobile connection to access data, and then allow one or more machines nearby to connect. The signal strength is not huge, so you have to be quite close. This is very similar to using a mobile phone as a ‘mobile hotspot’ to deliver a broadband connection to any devices nearby.
You can also access the 4G or 5G network using a dedicated 4G or 5G router in your home. This just needs a power supply, with the option to possibly boost the signal with an external antenna if you live in a remote area.
As ever, all the above rely on a strong, reliable signal in your area. You’ll need to check with your provider about their coverage and what speeds you can actually expect locally. In the end, mobile broadband is suitable really for only single or lighter users, and can be quite expensive for higher speed use or if you go over the usage limit.
Do I pay line rental for broadband?
Line rental should not be confused with the cost of a landline service. It is a common charge associated with broadband deals and is not solely applicable when selecting a landline plan.
The majority of broadband connections in the country are “fixed,” meaning they rely on physical cables directly connected to your property. Therefore, regardless of whether you use a landline, you are still dependent on these cables for internet access, resulting in a line rental cost.
Even if you opt for a broadband plan without a home phone service, it is highly likely that you will still need to choose a package that includes line rental. However, this cost is typically integrated into the regular monthly fee for your broadband service and is not billed separately or additionally.
Complete avoidance of line rental is possible by selecting mobile or satellite broadband options. However, these alternatives are currently limited and may not necessarily be more cost-effective. Therefore, it is advisable to consider all available deals and determine the best fit for your requirements.
Is broadband without a landline cheaper?
Choosing a broadband-only plan from your provider can often lead to cost savings compared to selecting a plan that includes a landline.
Occasionally, providers may offer special promotions on their bundled broadband and home phone packages, making them seem more appealing than standalone broadband options. However, in the majority of cases, you can lower your monthly bill by a few pounds if you opt for a deal that excludes a landline plan.
If you frequently use your landline for calls, it’s crucial to consider whether eliminating it is worth the inconvenience or the time required to adjust to life without one. The landline service remains highly beneficial for many individuals, and there’s no shame in continuing to use it if you still find it valuable.

How to get Internet at home
On a basic level, you need to agree a contract with an Internet service provider (ISP) and to use a router to connect to their servers via the lines running into your property. Typically, the ISP will provide you with such a router as part of the deal, enabling several devices in your home to connect to the Internet at the same time.
If you have ‘fibre to the premises’ (FTTP), giving you a full-fibre connection between your property and the exchange, then you will be able to get a broadband-only deal. You’ll have access to the Internet at home, and will simply use your mobile for any phone calls. This is the perfect solution for households who currently have a landline, but barely use it.
How to get the Internet without a phone line – step-by-step
Step 1 – check your options
Checking the market, shopping around and finding out what are the best options for broadband without a phone line in your area is always the best place to start. Moneysupermarket.com makes it easy with their checker for the best deals for your location (also highlighting current best-buy deals).
Step 2 – check the speeds
Once you know which providers offer attractive deals (or simply reliable coverage) for your property, you’ll need to investigate each one to find out the exact speeds you can expect. Many advertise a top-line ‘average’ speed, but the real final speed you can get will depend on your postcode and the network infrastructure in your area.
Step 3 – get connected!
Once you’ve made your choice, then your provider should help you get everything up and running. If you’re getting an upgraded connection, such as full-fibre broadband, then they may need to carry out a survey of your property and the line to the cabinet before carrying out the work needed to install the full-fibre cable. You’ll also get a new box where the line enters your house and a dedicated compatible router.
At Jurassic Fibre, we make every stage as easy as it can be and will guide you through each step of the process so you know exactly what to expect.
Cheap broadband without a phone line
Jurassic Fibre has made it their mission to get every home across the South-West connected to the UK’s full fibre network. We’ve invested millions in new infrastructure and hiring a dedicated team of friendly engineers and support staff to make it all happen.
Because we want to get every business and home onto the same level of connectivity as the rest of the country, our packages are designed to be both reliable and affordable. Mindful of the changing use of phone lines, our options are perfect for customers looking for a broadband only deal. Find out more below.
Get connected with Jurassic Fibre
If you’re not using your landline for calls, then now is the time to look into a broadband-only deal and potentially save money. Full-fibre home broadband and business broadband is already available in many areas across the South-West, and we’re working hard to get the infrastructure in place to offer complete coverage. Use our broadband postcode checker to see if you can get connected
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