Do Extreme Weather Conditions Affect Broadband?
This summer has seen extreme changes in climate across the globe, which we’re being warned will become the norm if there aren’t changes to how we live. The intense heat in the UK has affected people in different ways – one of these being the connections people rely on to work, travel, and reach out to family and friends. As we head towards the colder months, there’s a chance that we’ll see more severe weather in the form of cold and wet conditions – which will also have a knock-on effect on services.
So, do extreme weather conditions affect broadband?
The short answer is yes they can, but it does depend on the type of connection you have. We’re going to explore what the weather can mean for your connections – and what to do if you start experiencing a change in internet speed.
How does hot weather affect broadband?
Internet speeds may struggle in the heat due to the increase in temperatures that can cause physical damage to cables (depending on how exposed they are). However, it’s the servers and routers that can struggle in the heat that then cause a lag in connection, which is subsequently passed on to homes and businesses.
Lockdowns have seen a boom in homeworking, placing pressure on workers to ensure that their home internet is able to support them in their day-to-day activities.
If the weather causes disruption, there is often no Plan B – leaving workers stuck with mobile data and little else. That’s why it’s really important to discuss your internet needs with a professional supplier ahead of time, who can assess the solutions for your location and usage.
If you are finding that the recent heat waves have caused internet issues then you can help to improve connectivity by making sure of the following:
- Move closer to your router
- Disconnect any devices that aren’t being used, e.g. iPads, tablets, phones
- Connect by cable rather than Wi-Fi
How does wind affect broadband?
We’ve seen the devastation that storms have had on the UK, with flooding, falling trees, and of course, the impact on the exterior of buildings. High winds don’t impact where the connection is coming from, but rather, the equipment that carries the signal. Vibrations on cables or water getting into the ground are factors that may cause disruption, as well as the obvious effects of trees falling on telephone lines that can cut homes and businesses off from their provider.
Storms and gales can often leave people without power – and broadband – for long periods, causing unwelcome disruption to work and communication. To help ensure you’re prepared, make sure to have a look at how your current provider receives the signals into your property.

How does excessive rain affect broadband?
In the UK, we are more than used to rain, but similarly to storms, excessive downpours can affect those who’ve chosen to get their internet via cables or are yet to update their connections to more advanced technology. But as you can imagine, water can be relentless, meaning even the most advanced internet connections may suffer some interference, with Wi-Fi connections absorbing the moisture and causing a lag.
If storms do become more common, those who are due to upgrade their internet would be wise to explore alternatives that provide a better connection. Unlike in extreme heat, excessive rain doesn’t affect the servers, but more the equipment and the way signals reach a property.
How does extreme cold weather affect broadband?
Winter seems to last forever, but this may be due to the extremes of colder temperatures and snowfall seen in recent years. However, the cold itself should not affect your broadband. There may be swells and changes in the ground for those that have underground connections, which may slightly disrupt the speed, but this is unlikely to occur in the UK.
Similarly to rain, snowfall may affect overhead cables cutting off the connection as a whole, but unfortunately there are no preventative measures for this, regardless of your provider.
One of the main effects on internet speed during the colder months simply comes down to usage. The temptation to stay indoors to stream the latest shows, download music, or game with friends can cumulatively slow things down online.
For all these reasons above, as extreme weather becomes the ‘norm’, it’s well worth reviewing if you have the right connectivity for what you need.
If you’re thinking of switching providers or have experienced a recent change in the speed of your internet, contact us at Jurassic Fibre, who are here to answer any questions and ensure you get the best solution to your internet troubles.
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