Company News

April Update on Covid-19

In UK guidelines, the Government designates telecommunications personnel as key workers in the fight against Covid-19, with broadband considered an essential component to keeping the nation connected at this time.

This means that we will continue to work in the local communities we serve, whilst taking the necessary precautions and Public Health England guidance on social distancing to protect our employees and customers.

Fast and reliable broadband has never been so important with so many of you working from home, trying to keep the children entertained, stay connected with loved ones or seek advice and support. Broadband is a lifeline for a great many people in the current circumstances, especially those who feel isolated or vulnerable. That is why our construction teams and engineers are working tirelessly to ensure that we connect as many people as possible in our network areas.

Please be reassured that we are monitoring the Covid-19 situation closely on a daily basis and following the latest UK Government advice. We will include any updates, regarding our operations here on our website. The safety and wellbeing of our customers and employees continues to be our biggest priority.

Safety first

Our employees and contractors continue to be briefed on a regular basis regarding the health and safety advice they must adhere to. All are provided with hand sanitiser and the latest Personal Protection Equipment, including gloves and masks.

Our outdoor teams, working on the highways, pavements or in fields are required to maintain a 2-metre separation from each other and work within barrier-protected areas. We ask the public not approach our teams, breach the 2-metre guidelines or cross the barriers.

If you need information about our network or have any questions, we advise you to contact us on 01392 345 600.

Installation advice

We are communicating with every customer about planned installations at this time. If you would like to delay your installation, just let us know – please call us on 01392 345 600.

If you want to go ahead with the installation, a member of our team will talk you through the installation process and the safety measures in place, while asking you questions about your specific situation. It will then be decided whether the installation should go ahead or not.

On arrival, at your home or business, our engineer will ask you the following questions:

  1. Does anyone in your home have Covid-19?
  2. Has anyone in your home been instructed to self-isolate?
  3. Is anyone in your home suffering from flu-like symptoms?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, we will rearrange the installation date. If the answer is no, we can go ahead with the planned installation.

Our engineers use hand sanitiser and wear masks, gloves and shoe covers. When in your home or business they will endeavour to keep a distance of 2 metres from others and we kindly ask our customers to keep their distance from our engineers.

The install normally takes on average 2-4 hours, with some of this time spent working outside your property. Our engineers will do their best to minimise the time spent working in your home or business.

All work equipment is disinfected and wiped clean after use.