Company News
Deaf customers get British Sign Language interpreter at Jurassic Fibre customer service centre
Deaf customers who use British Sign Language (BSL) are now able to use a video link interpreter when they contact the customer service centre for broadband provider Jurassic Fibre.
The company, which is rolling out an ambitious programme of ultra-fast broadband connection to homes across the South West, has introduced the innovative service via Sign Solutions, providing InterpretersLive! via the App or website.
Sarah Howells, Chief Customer Officer from Jurassic Fibre, said: “People are at the heart of everything we do at Jurassic Fibre. Our business is to connect communities, and we need to make sure we include customers who need or want to communicate with us using any method they choose. So we’re really excited to be able to offer this service for Deaf people who communicate using BSL.
“Our Deaf customers have already told us that they value the fast, reliable broadband that we install in their homes to connect them to the many online communications platforms they benefit from in day to day life. But for those that use BSL, contacting our customer service centre needs to be just as smooth. Major organisations including the NHS offer this service, but it’s fairly unusual with a company our size. We want to go above and beyond to connect all our customers not only to the outside world but to our customer support.”
Jurassic Fibre has achieved 85% 5-star reviews on Trustpilot with an overall rating of 4.7, reflecting its drive to provide not only ultra-fast broadband but excellent customer service. The company has created a BSL video to explain the new service across its social media platforms.
Sophie Kang, Customer Development Manager with Sign Solutions which is providing the on demand BSL interpreter service, said: “Sign Solutions are delighted to be providing Jurassic Fibre with our on-demand service InterpretersLive!. InterpretersLive! enables Deaf customers to contact Jurassic Fibre in British Sign Language through a secure link on their website. The link connects Deaf callers to one of Sign Solutions National Register of Communications Professionals working with Deaf/Deaf-Blind People (NRCPD)-registered interpreters, who then makes an onward audio call to the team at Jurassic Fibre. Providing this service to customers will ensure equal access to services and further breaks down the barriers in communication that the Deaf community so often face.”
Jurassic Fibre is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing companies in the South West, as well as one of the most rapidly developing alt nets (alternative networks) in the UK. The company employs over 500 people at its headquarters in Exeter. Armed with a £250m capital investment from Fern Trading, as advised by Octopus Investments, it is rolling out a custom-build full fibre broadband network to rural communities in Devon, Somerset, Cornwall and Dorset.
To use the InterpretersLive! link to contact Jurassic Fibre, click here.
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